Cultural burning: is there a better way of controlling fire this bushfire season?

Cultural burning: is there a better way of controlling fire this bushfire season?

Blak Matters
Ep. 31 Sea. 118 min
Nov 29, 2023
Mark as played

About the episode

As we head into a dry El Nino summer, we also head into one with an increased risk of bushfires and the devastating effects that can be left in their wake. But is there a better way, and better methods of controlled burning that can lower this risk?  For millennia, the First Nations people of this country utilised fire for cultural burning, alongside other land management strategies, to cultivate and ensure our land remained healthy and in balance.  Today on Blak Matters, Michael 'MC' Christian is joined by special guest Trent Nelson from Djaara, who explores the profound significance of cultural burning – not just how it works, but also the role it serves in healing both the land and its people.See for privacy information.