Hugh van Cuylenburg: knowing when to ignore your inner critic

Hugh van Cuylenburg: knowing when to ignore your inner critic

Secrets of a Self-Starter
Ep. 1 Sea. 151 min
19 Oct
Mark as played

About the episode

Do you want to love what you do? Then get ready to have your mind blown by Hugh van Cuylenburg, Founding Director of the Resilience project, as he drops bombs of wisdom in a mentoring session with budding young businesswoman Amy Silver from the Dough Co.  The pair are joined by host Mim Rizvi as they talk all things motivation, from not having any at all, to setting realistic expectations. Although Hugh and Amy can’t agree on a coffee order (or the best time to wake up), they both believe in the importance of running your own race, with Hugh sharing insights on the inner-critic and knowing when - and when not - to listen to it. To find out more about the Accelerator for Enterprising Women, head to Music by James Court