Graham 'Buzzy' Burridge spent 40 years as a cop in Far North Queensland

Graham 'Buzzy' Burridge spent 40 years as a cop in Far North Queensland

Stories Of Us
Ep. 2 Sea. 124 min
17 Feb
Mark as played

About the episode

In his time in the police force, Graham 'Buzzy' Burridge was shot at 5 times, stabbed twice and needed a titanium plate to hold his chest together. He also won two Commissioner Commendation medals for bravery and wrote the book 'Piggy Tales' about his life in the force. After having his life threatened one too many times, Buzzy retired from the police force to work with young Indigenous people in the small town of Yarrabah.  Seeing his young people grow into successful adults remains the highlight of Buzzy's career. In this episode, Buzzy sits down with Elliott Lovejoy from Triple M Cairns to share about the incident that made him leave policing, his process for stashing away the traumatic memories of the job, attending shipwrecks and crocodile attacks in the Torres Strait and why nowhere else in the world compares to God's Country of Far North Queensland.