Dwayne The Rock Johnson Returning To Fast & Furious PLUS Deal Or No Deal Returns With Survivor Twist!?

Dwayne The Rock Johnson Returning To Fast & Furious PLUS Deal Or No Deal Returns With Survivor Twist!?

The Streaming Service with Justin Hill
Ep. 110 Sea. 13 min
May 15, 2023
Mark as played

About the episode

The Rock is officially returning to The Fast and The Furious, and we now know exactly how it's going to go down! Plus, we all remember Deal or No Deal (looking at you Meghan Markle). Well, the show is making a return but with a Survivor twist! For your definitive wrap-up of every single thing dropping on streaming services by platform, follow Justin on TikTok, @jus_hill.  Subscribe to The Streaming Service with Justin Hill on the LiSTNR app now!